Non-Rising Stem

For Water and Wastewater Treatment

ALFA HI-FLOW wall penstocks are square or rectangular with resilient sealing on all four sides of the slide.
Bi-directional up to and including 1200 X 1200 and in larger sizes available as bi- and uni-directional.
Non-rising stem and closed frame designed for wall mounting


• Lower leakage rate than max. allowable in DIN 19569-4 (class 5) / AWWA C561-4: 1.20 L/min. per seatingmeter
• Frame design allows easy mounting at medium height or floor level, and for elevated or flush bottominstallation
• Self-cleaningguidesofHMWPE(highmolecularweightpolyethylene)reducethefrictionduringoperation resulting in easy operation
  and extended seal durability
• Self-adjusting “lip-design” sealing of EPDM mounted on theframe
• Frame and slide of stainless steel AISI 304 and stem of stainless steel AISI304
• All fasteners of stainless steelAISI 304
• Seal and guides bolting is completely separated from the frameanchoring
• Delivered with handwheel up to and including 1200X1200, in larger sizes withbevelgear

Design Features

NO. Name Material
1 Frame Stailless steel AISI 304
2 Slide Stailless steel AISI 304
3 Guide HMWPE
4 Slide bearing EPDMrubber
5 Sealretainer Stainless steelAISI 304
6 Bottomseal EPDMrubber
7 Bottomsealretainer Stainless steelAISI 304
8 Frameguide Stainless steel AISI 304
9 Stem Stainless steelAISI 304
10 Stemnut Bronze
11 Yoke Stailless steel AISI 304


General Ref. Nos Size(mm) H(mm) H3(mm) G(mm) L(mm) MWCseat(mm) MWCunseat(mm) W(mm) WGT(Kg)
100-00200-00200 200-200 492 626 225 82 10 10 380 16
100-00300-00300 300-300 692 826 225 82 10 10 480 23
100-00400-00400 400-400 893 1045 310 85 10 10 580 41
100-00500-00500 500-500 1093 1245 310 85 10 10 680 52
100-00600-00600 600-600 1294 1446 310 115 10 10 780 67
100-00700-00700 700-700 1496 1648 310 115 10 10 880 80
100-00800-00800 800-800 1696 1848 310 125 10 10 980 96
100-00900-00900 900-900 1976 2143 410 136 10 10 1100 147
100-01000-01000 1000-1000 2176 2343 410 136 10 10 1200 168
100-01100-01100 1100-1100 2389 2671 300 136 6 6 1300 209
100-01200-01200 1200-1200 2589 2871 300 136 6 6 1400 1242
※ Above sizes & rectangular design upon request.
Address in Korea :
312-3, Gojan-Dong, NamDong-Gu, Incheon City, Republic of Korea
( Tel : +82-32-442-3093 ~ 4, Fax : +82-32-442-3095 )